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Email Template 1


I just heard that the market for online art sales will hit $3.76 billion by 2018 and is growing by 19% per year

That's GREAT news.

Especially if you're interested in creating and selling your own artworks online.

Here why - It means there's plenty of room for all of us to sell our art.

If you want to create and sell your art online - and offline - here's the deal...

I have just finished reviewing an awesome course called "Turn Your Hobby Into a Business" by Nolan Clark.

The course walks you, step-by-step, through everything you need to know about selling your artworks.

How much to charge for them, how to sell at craft markets, how to sell online, how to get into art galleries, even how to get other people to do the selling for you.

The course covers selling part time for extra cash as well as running a full time art / craft business.

I must say that I was blown away by the amount of info in the course.

Nolan has been a full time professional artist for over 15 years now and has literally put all 15 years worth of knowledge into the course.

Earning an income from selling your arts and crafts has never been easier.

I can't recommend this course more highly.

But don't take my word for it, why not take a look for yourself:


You will be glad you did!

Talk soon,

Email Template 2


As you know I am always on the lookout for interesting info to add to my blog.

To do this I sometimes find myself scouring the net for facts and figures.

Today I discovered a figure that made my jaw drop.

According to research group ArtTactic, the value of online art sales will more than double in the next 4 years.

As if that is not dramatic enough, it is the value of those sales that astounded me.

People are currently selling 2.64 Billion dollars worth of art online, this will skyrocket to $6.3 Billion by 2019.

Yes that's right Billion with a B!

How much did you make selling your artworks online last year?

Chances are not much, if any, right?

I can hear your answer too : "Because I have no idea how."

Luckily you don't have to end up a "starving artsist".

Help is at hand.

My friend Nolan Clark, a very successful full time artist, will show you how to grab your fair share of those Billions of Dollars.

Just click the link below to find out how:


To Your Success

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